I wear many hats, have always worn more, with absolute ease. And that’s because life is too short to not explore every possible facet of it. I launched myself into work 22 years ago, as a Public Relations professional. The work was good, but I recognised early that I was looking for something beyond, and something different.

My quest to find what that beyond and difference is, led me down many paths – editing books, promoting electric crematoriums, designing and executing events for firms, creating communication strategies, running a successful home bakery enterprise and ultimately to a trainer of Foot Reflexology.

At the time, I knew nothing of what it was and what change it would go on to bring in my life. I only just followed my gut and, and did it because it sounded fascinating and made me notice that I knew nothing about the body I was inhabiting. Learning a therapy that involves your body is like opening a doorway into the universe of possibilities and very soon, in the years to come, this one decision led to many others in the same direction. Without looking, each time, a new therapy found its way to me, bringing forth even greater possibilities of the shifts it could create in my life and of those around me.

In the years that followed, I went on to train in Sujok; Acupuncture; Auricular Therapy; Access Bars and Body Processes; Access Facelift; Family Constellation therapy; Transpersonal Regression therapy; Transcendental Healing, and many more. The work and the learnings, have continued to amaze me, and I am convinced that life’s smallest and biggest problems can be resolved if we only had more access to our inner workings.

In the 16 years of doing this work, I have seen hundreds of peoples, from different age groups, for small to big, physical; mental; emotional; financial concerns. I have facilitated people in finding greater ease in their lives, and change the things that held them stuck. Together, with the people I have worked with, we have overcome abuse, released childhood trauma, recovered from major accidents and surgeries, grieved the loss of a loved one, transmuted anger into a creative dynamic force, moved beyond guilt, overcome shame, released blocks to money, created holistic joyful relationships, sold and built houses, transformed blocks into goals for organisations, healed from pain, healed from sickness and disease, overcome the shadows of suicidal tendencies, worked through addictions and phobias and fears..the list goes on. Most importantly, we have learnt to embrace life with whatever it brings and recognise the role we have played getting here.

My work is beyond the name of the modality that I choose to use, it delves deep into the energy that governs all life and matter on this Earth. Whatever you may walk in with, I assure you, you will walk away with more of yourself, ready to have the life you have always wanted and with far greater ease than what you could have imagined. I send you love and cheer and joy.