Private sessions are like your own private space, enabling you to bring forward what you seek to outcreate from the choices of the past. Here, we explore individual and familial history, including medical history to arrive at the root cause of a concern and what is required to clear it. The sessions are unhurried. Typically, personal sessions require you to keep aside a minimum of 60 minutes and upwards (based on the modality).


In events, we explore themes and subjects that matter to us, without going into great details about one’s own personal history. These themes, for example the inter connectedness of my work life with the relationship I have/had with my father, will apart from addressing an internal concern, also expand my awareness of how different experiences and choices that I make, affect others aspects of my life. And the bonus, you don’t even have to ask all the questions yourself.


Trainings are an opportunity to establish a deeper connection with your own body and take a step towards becoming your own healer. Its more than a skill in your hand, it’s a manual about the inner workings of your being and what you can do when the communication is disrupted with static. And every class opens a possibility of making money while affecting internal change and in the person who comes to you.